Sonntag, 25. Februar 2018

Watercolor Doodles 25 - 33

Häuptling Silberpfeil

Its where my Demons hide


Freitag, 16. Februar 2018

WIP: Mermaid

(Things I learned: If you leave masking fluid on the paper for more than 3 months, it cannot be removed (all the white spots). Nevertheless I want to finish at least parts of it...

Watercolor Doodles 21-24

Number 22: Louge Music

Numer 23: Baking Quiche
Number 24: Spring Breeze

Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018

Watercolor Doodles 17 - 21 and off Anatomy...

Number 17: Nature Wins
Have you ever felt pressed into structures and norms? Have you ever felt unhappy about having to fulfil the norm? If you do, remember: nature always finds a way out of regulations and so should we.

Number 18: Valentines Kiss

Number 19: Maleficent

Number 20... (omg)

Number 21...just slight improvement, but omg...
I should really sketch more carefully, but I love to jump straight into colors. However, afterwards I am unhappy about the off-proportions or about the misalignment of the eyes, such as in 19 - 21, as well as being unhappy about lazy anatomy-sketching...

On the other hand, these are not artworks, but mere doodles and simply for fun...

Freitag, 9. Februar 2018

Watercolor Doodles 8 - 16

How to find Happiness?